Global Auto Mobility

The Industry Innovation Report

Thousands of autoworkers walked off the job at three Midwest plants in an unprecedented strike, as the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and Detroit’s three big carmakers (GM, Ford …

Meteorites offer tantalizing clues about what the early solar system was like. But finding them is far from rocket science. Often, researchers simply fan out across a …

The aviation industry is well aware of its carbon footprint, but it's not an industry where things change quickly. Batteries may be an option for short-range eVTOL use cases, but for …

Toyota Research Institute (TRI) used generative AI in a “kindergarten for robots” to teach robots how to make breakfast — or at least, the individual tasks needed to do so — and it …

Speaking at the Powering Electric Vehicles May 2023 event at Lawrence Technological University, Carl Welborn talks about Independence Rides serving seniors and vision-impaired adults.

It's the first time the BEV share has exceeded 20%, and is almost double the 11.6% share at the same time last year. Since the start of the year, BEV registrations across the EU more …

There is another movement happening with autonomous flying taxis. A new company just opened an office in Fremont, where autonomous aircraft are being built. Supernal …

Solar power plant

Norway has installed the world’s northernmost solar farm and battery storage in the Svalbard archipelago, just south of the North Pole. State-owned energy company Store Norske …

Vroom vroom

Technology innovations are usually disruptive, but they don’t have to be disasters for legacy players. Adapting is key. That’s what some gas-station operators are doing in the face of …

Road in Great Smoky Mountains

Recent data analyses underscore a promising trend: Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are showcasing remarkable safety records, a development that should warrant policy …

Cornell researchers combined soft microactuators with high-energy-density chemical fuel to create an insect-scale quadrupedal robot that is powered by …