Global Auto Mobility

The Industry Innovation Report

Mercedes-Benz has just unveiled new “close-to-production” concept vehicles that could outdo Tesla cars by going more than 466 miles on a single charge. That’s compared with a range …

used disposable drain batteries of various size

Batteries from cell phones, laptops and power tools, left unchecked in a landfill, will leach a number of chemicals into the ground, including lithium, cobalt, copper and nickel. They can …

Much has been written about the failures of autonomous driving cars in places like San Francisco. But the real success and perhaps even bigger opportunity is in industrial …

Tiny devices on satellites will soon be able to detect pieces of space debris as small as 1 inch that are invisible to existing space junk monitoring systems but still capable of …

Drone flying at Cariocas Beach at sunset

UPS delivery drones are now allowed to fly longer distance flights beyond the sight of ground operators, the Federal Aviation Administration revealed in a press release …

A Japanese city plans to use robots to enable pupils to attend classes virtually, as truancy rates surge due to anxiety and bullying, officials said Wednesday. Children will be …

As electric-vehicle adoption rates steadily rise around the world, a growing chorus of car executives are criticizing governments on the grounds that they’ve picked the winning …

A molecule model with reflection on a dark surrounding. Sulfanilamide if someone is really interested !! Sulfanilamide was a medicine used to treat streptococcal infections. One version of the drug, in liquid form, was introduced in the market after having being tested only for flavor, appearance and fragrance but not for toxicity. It caused the deaths of more than 100 people back in 1937. As we are all awaiting the cure for COVID19 let his be a reminder of what untested, unsafe and "rushed to market" drugs can do to people.

Green hydrogen is being touted around the world as a clean energy solution to take the carbon out of high-emitting sectors like transport and industrial manufacturing …

The idea of robots for household work has long been fantasized about in movies and shows dating as far back as the 1920s. However, according to a new report from the BBC ...

During a recent trip in an electric car, I stopped to top up at a charging station. Recharging went smoothly — and that's not always the case in these early, glitchy days. Then I …