Global Auto Mobility

The Industry Innovation Report

cars on road

America’s automakers have staked their futures on the notion that electric vehicles will dominate sales in the coming years, spurred by buyers determined to reduce carbon ...

This shot makes me thirsty! I love how this shot turned out. I was about 10 meters above the ground with my Mavic Pro. This is a small winery in the mid-Willamette Valley outside Salem, Oregon. This is one of the biggest wine-producing areas in the country and it makes for some wonderful evening drone flights.

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, technology has emerged as a pivotal force, reshaping traditional farming practices and steering them towards sustainability. Smart …

Truck driving on the road

What would you do if you were driving down I-45 and noticed the semi truck one lane over didn't have a driver?  Aurora Innovation is a self-driving technology company that's in ...

This year, Baltimore's Office of Promotion and the Arts is introducing an exciting new element to the traditional fireworks display: A custom-designed drone show choreographed by …

Rise of the Resistance transport from a recent trip to Walt Disney World.

Space start-up Privateer, co-founded by the famed Apple technologist Steve Wozniak, will begin orbital tests of its ride-sharing orbital module Pono in January.  The module, which ...

Fire Rescue Truck Night Front Left Low

General Motors (GM.N) said on Wednesday a fire at its Factory Zero Detroit-Hamtramck was likely caused by a forklift accidentally puncturing a container with battery materials …

We all know AI can regularly beat humans at intellectual games like chess. But now, AI has proven itself in the physical realm. That annoyingly hard wooden Labyrinth game …

A first-of-its-kind chip architecture that uses both electronic- and light-based components could pave the way for 6G technology. The research, published Nov. 20 in Nature …

This was captured well waiting for the doctor who was busy at the time

Because it was not possible to remove a hard-to-reach bulge in the central lymphatic system, a team of doctors from the Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery at the …

First responders carry the weight of tremendously challenging roles, facing high-stress situations daily and frequently encountering individuals on the worst days ...