Global Auto Mobility

The Industry Innovation Report

Crews have installed what's billed as the nation's first wireless-charging public roadway for electric vehicles beneath a street just west of downtown Detroit. Copper inductive …

Ocean clouds seen from space

As the number of satellites in orbit increase, so will the possibilities of space debris. There are currently 8,000 satellites in orbit, but hundreds of thousands more are being proposed. If ...

During my vacation in Canada I stayed a couple of days in Sharon near Newmarket. On the first day I saw this barn and I absolutely wanted to take a picture of it. So one evening I took my camera and walked to this barn.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture projects a shortage of agricultural workers able to use new technologies and plans to help two Missouri universities better train them …

An autonomous system that combines robotics with artificial intelligence (AI) to create entirely new materials has released its first trove of discoveries. The system, known as the A ...

The Pentagon is embarking on an ambitious project, known as Replicator, with the goal of deploying thousands of AI-enabled autonomous vehicles by 2026, as it seeks ...

Electric vehicles may be the future, but in some ways they look a lot like the past. Particularly reliability. That’s the bottom line from Consumer Reports’ eagerly anticipated ...

Scientists in Scotland are using robotic subsea gliders to check ocean currents for signs of climate collapse. They are monitoring the "conveyor belt" which carries warm and cool …

Mounting concerns over self-driving cars – headlined by allegations autonomous vehicle maker Cruise misled the DMV about an accident that left a pedestrian seriously …

Dirty Hands

Scientists now have the ability to create a complex robot hand with bones, tendons and ligaments using 3D printers … just like the android hosts use in Westworld! Now …

cars on road

In an article for The New York Times, Yiwen Lu describes how driverless vehicles are creating headaches for city workers and officials and, in some cases, putting residents in danger …